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2012-2013 Needs Assessment



On a scale from 1-5; with 5 = most valuable and 1 = least valuable, please choose how valuable each topic is for you.

Which topics on early childhood nutrition would you prefer NETA offer? 

1 2 3 4 5
How to use nutrition education materials in the classroom
How to use gardening to improve child nutrition
How to use physical activity to improve child nutrition
Preventing obesity in children

On a scale from 1-5; with 5 = most valuable and 1 = least valuable, please choose how valuable each topic is for you.

Which curriculum and teaching aides of the NETA program are the most valuable to you in achieving the Desired Results Development Profile for Preschool (DRDP-PS)? 

1 2 3 4 5
Nutrition Matters! Curriculum
NETA TIPs for Busy Professionals
NETA Quarterly Newsletter
Resource Guide

On a scale from 1-5; with 5 = most valuable and 1 = least valuable, please choose how valuable each topic is for you.

Which of the following general topics would be most valuable to you? 

1 2 3 4 5
The Link between Nutrition, Physical Activity and Academic Achievement
Foundation of Nutrition: Key Nutrients, MyPlate, MyPyramid
Weaving Nutrition into the classroom - Linking activities to the DRDP-PS (2010)
Healthy Cooking in the Classroom
How to effectively deliver TIPs and HOTM
Garden-enhanced Nutrition Education
Creating a healthy school environment
The importance of daily purposeful structured play
How to implement evidence of physical activity progress