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Yellow Starthistle, 0-25% tree cover, flat landscape


After using the Integrated Weed Management Decision Support Matrix you have identified management practices you would like to implement on your ranch.  This tool will help you create a written plan.  You can take this plan to your local NRCS office to help you apply for any cost-sharing program, such as EQIP.

All management options will work to different degrees based on scale of infestation and time of year.  YST will take more than one year to control, typically 3 to 5 years are needed to completely control YST.  An integrated approach works well.

This information is for a Yellow Starthistle (YST) patch with 0-25% tree cover and flat landscape.  This plan is assuming a typical rainfall year and typical rainfall pattern.  Alternative practices may be identified if an opportunity or limitation arises due to weather.