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3.15.25 Gardening in the Foothills


Gardening in the Foothills

Bethell-Delfino Agriculture Building

311 Fair Lane

Placerville, CA

9 am to noon, March 15, 2025

Gardening in the Foothills  Environment is a survey class intended for people who are  new to the foothills or people who have lived in the foothills for awhile but are new to gardening.  Topics include climates in the foothills including USDA, Sunset, and American Horticultural Society climate classification zones;  the effects of light and temperature on plant growth;  terrain effects including cold air drainage and up and down slope winds;  micro-climates;  frosts including causes and kinds of frosts, effects of soil, mulch, and snow, how to protect from frosts, and planting times;  finally a section on Now-Forecasting or how to make your own short range weather forecast.

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The UC Master Gardener program is open to everyone. We collect the following information to know if we are reaching all community members. This information is voluntary and will only be used for reporting purposes. The categories listed are those required by UC and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).