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3.1.25 Grow Your Own Cutting Garden


Grow Your Own Cutting Garden

Placerville Veterans Memorial Hall

130 Placerville Dr.

Placerville, CA

9 am to noon, March 1, 2025

Have you strolled through a botanical garden or flower farm and wondered if you could grow those beautiful flowers? With some instruction and preparation, you too can grow flowers for gorgeous flower arrangements. Come learn which flowers are best suited for bouquets, how to grow them from seeds or plugs, uses for your established shrubs, site selection, soil preparation, harvesting, pest management, designing the arrangement and lastly, what else to do with all those lovely flowers.

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The UC Master Gardener program is open to everyone. We collect the following information to know if we are reaching all community members. This information is voluntary and will only be used for reporting purposes. The categories listed are those required by UC and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).