You have reached the online registration page for:2025 Elkus Ranch
Winter Camp
$160 per child (ages 6-11 years)
Please complete the following fields, click the blue "Save and Continue" button and then proceed to the secure payment page.
Parent Name ✻
City ✻
Parent Email ✻
Parent Primary Telephone # ✻
Secondary Phone #
Child #1 Information
Child's FIRST Name ✻
Child's LAST Name ✻
Age of Child
(6-11) ✻
Gender ✻
Child #2 Information
2nd Child's FIRST Name
2nd Child's LAST Name
Age of Child (6-11 years)
Child #3 Information
3rd Child's FIRST Name
3rd Child's LAST Name
2 Day camp fee
($160.00 per child)
How did you hear about this event (select all that apply)?
Additional comments/anything we should know - alergies etc
For verification that you are human, please enter the following code in the box below: IDWXVX
(if the code is not entered correctly, the survey will not be submitted)