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4-H Cooking Academy - Interest Survey


The 4-H Cooking Academy Project is a cooking-based nutrition education program that teaches youth basic nutrition and cooking skills. The 4-H Cooking Academy aims to improve youth attitudes, knowledge and skills in food choices and preparation.   

  • Youth prepare, cook, and try new foods in each lesson.
  • Each cooking lesson also includes a nutrition component.
  • 4-H and CalFresh staff partnered to administer the project in Tehama County. 


We are excited to start planning our upcoming 4-H Cooking Academy and want to find dates that work best for everyone. Please review the options below and select which would be most convenient for your family. Your feedback will help us coordinate a schedule that accommodates as many members as possible.

Saturday Meeting Dates

January 25
February 22
March 22
April 26
May 24 
June 21
June 28
Sunday Meeting Dates
January 26
February 23
March 23
April 27
May 25
June 22
June 29