Provisions will be made by the 4-H club/unit or county council (VMO) to cover program fees for eligible youth who are unable to pay them. The parent/guardian of an eligible youth for which a program fee waiver or reduction is requested to complete this form.
While fees are waived for your family, they are still paid to the State Office by the 4-H cllub/unit or county council and covered by local fundraising efforts by 4-H families within the county.
Fill in the information below for a full or partial waiver of program fees.
** Payment for the reduced 4-H enrollment fees needs to be mailed or dropped off at the Nevada County 4-H office:
UCCE Nevada County 4-H Office - Grass Valley Veterans Building
255 S Auburn St., Grass Valley, CA 95945
Open from 8:00 A/m/ to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday
Mailing address: P.O. Box 2851, Grass Valley, CA 95945
Make sure you complete your 4-H Enrollment before submitting this fee waiver or a partial fee payment.
Please submit ONE form per youth member.