The purpose of a County Council is to actively involve local volunteers in developing, conducting, and evaluating the local 4-H program. The council consists of enrolled volunteers who work together to improve the quality of experience for the youth, the adult volunteers, and Community Club Leaders.
In Monterey County, all clubs have an 80% attendance requirement to attend the council meetings. Any adult or youth may be a club representative for the council meeting (not just Community Leaders)
Typically, Council meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm – excluding December and May.
Traditionally, adult Council Officers hold office for a 2-year term and include President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Historian/Reporter and Treasurer. Elections occur in May.
The Co-Officer positions are for Youth ages 14 years and above. They may run for any position except treasurer. Unlike the adults, they held a one-year term. They are partnered with the council officer throughout the year.
A bulk of the council’s business is accomplished through committee work provided by the clubs. The committee selection process takes place in the Spring and is to be finalized by July.
Bylaws and annual Budgets are compiled during the months of March to May and voted in at the June meeting by the general membership.
BY filling out this interest survey, your information will be shared with the 4-H program staff and the Council's Nomination Committee. You will be contacted.