Come learn about UC ANR Staff Assembly from members of Staff Assembly Council, and enjoy a free lunch and time to connect with colleagues! Sessions begin at noon. Please note this event is intended for ANR staff employees.
First name ✻
Last name ✻
Email address ✻
Phone number ✻
UC ANR role/title ✻
UC ANR program/department affiliation ✻
City where office is located ✻
County where office is located ✻
Choose a Lunch and Learn session ✻
Dietary considerations ✻
Other dietary considerations; please explain
I have obtained supervisor permission to attend this session and can fund my own travel to and from the location. (Yes answer required to attend) ✻
Name of supervisor ✻
Optional: Let us know if you're interested in getting more involved with Staff Assembly (check all that apply).
Anything in particular you would like to know or learn about UC ANR Staff Assembly or Staff Assembly Council?