Please let us know about your experience with the credit card machine program. We welcome your feedback on any part of the process: e.g., requesting, renting, using, and returning the device(s).
My role is: ✻
Did the trainings teach you what you needed to know about credit card data security and device operation? ✻
Please provide details
Did the device(s) function as needed? ✻
Did the use of the credit card machine help your sale run more smoothly?
By how much did the credit card machines increase your sales revenue?
Would you rent a credit card machine from the Business Operations Center (BOC) again? ✻
Additional Comments or Suggestions to help us improve our program? (E.g., ability to rent a MiFi device to accompany the machines, including more or less receipt tape, clearer shipping instructions, etc.).
Contact Information (optional)
Please include contact information if you'd like us to follow up with you.