Over the course of 4 months youth and adult representatives from the Placer 4-H program met with office staff to develop county-level 4-H committees that provide members and volunteers the opportunity to be more involved in the events and direction of the Placer 4-H program.
The goals of the task force were to improve the program in the following areas:
Increase communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing between clubs and with the 4-H office
Create more visuals and documents with easy accessibility
Build more family-oriented and healthy living 4-H events
Increase and improve social media and website outreach
Create more incentives for engaging in 4-H events
Increase involvement in local communities
During these meetings, committees were designed.
Please read below the description for the various committees.
Select a committee you would like to join (Select as many as you like)
To Make the Best, Better!!
Goal: to increase communication, collaboration, and knowledge sharing amongst 4-H clubs and the 4-H office
The Placer 4-H Representative Committee shall consist of the 4-H CES, Advisor, and one youth and adult representative from each 4-H club, and other committee chairs. Each club will be in charge of determining the process for electing representatives and length of term. The meeting will be chaired by the 4-H CES. Meetings will take place at 6:00PM at the Loomis Round Table located at 611Horseshoe Bar Rd. Loomis, CA 95650 on the 4th Wednesday of each month from August to May.
Duties for representatives include attending monthly meetings where they will provide reports on what they are currently doing in their club or committee, share knowledge of 4-H events or project related events coming up with the group and reporting the information shared at the meeting with their club.
Goal: to increase knowledge sharing and create more incentives for attending 4-H events
The Animal Science committee shall consist of at least 3 youth and adult members. The chair will be elected at the first meeting and will be required to report at the representative meeting. Meeting dates will be determined after the committee is appointed.
Duties include meeting once per month to share knowledge of upcoming animal science related 4-H activities, hosting the animal youth fair, and creating animal science project resources via videos and documents.
Goal: to extend 4-H outreach in the community at a county level and develop relationships with non-4-H community members.
The Placer 4-H Community Service Sub-Committee shall consist of at least 2 youth and adult members. The chair will be elected at the first meeting and will be required to report at the representative meeting. Meeting dates will be determined after the committee is appointed.
Duties include attending a monthly meeting to seek out collaborative service opportunities in Placer County and host at least one community service event per 4-H year.
Goal: to increase information accessibility and sharing
The Placer 4-H Digital Communications Sub-Committee shall consist of youth members and 2 adult advisors. The chair will be elected at the first meeting and will be required to report at the representative meeting. Meeting dates will be determined after the committee is appointed.
Duties include attending a meeting once a month to create outreach documents that may be shared online, working with office staff to create and provide content for a county 4-H youtube channel and working with other committees to create knowledge sharing videos (Ex: animal science on large and small animal showmanship)
Goal: to promote healthy living at a county-wide level through increased promotion and opportunities
The Placer 4-H Healthy Living Sub-Committee shall consist of at least one adult advisor and three youth members. Club Healthy Living Officers are encouraged to participate. The chair will be elected at the first meeting and will be required to report at the representative meeting. Meeting dates will be determined after the committee is appointed.
Duties include creating and implementing a healthy living challenge during 4-H week and working with ambassadors to create and host one healthy living event during the 4-H year.
Goal: to increase incentives for members to enroll in program and fully participate
The Placer 4-H Incentives and Recognition Sub-Committee shall consist of at least 5 youth members and 3 adults. The chair will be elected at the first meeting and will be required to report at the representative meeting. Meeting dates will be determined after the committee is appointed.
Duties include attending a monthly meeting to create an incentives program to increase a sense of belonging within 4-H, help manage and run the Acheivement Awards Event, research and share knowledge of 4-H awards, scholarships, etc. available to 4-H members and volunteers.
Goal: to create more opportunities for growth in public speaking and communication skill development
The Placer 4-H Public Speaking and Communications Sub-Committee shall consist of at least 4 youths and 4 adults. The chair will be elected at the first meeting and will be required to report at the representative meeting. Meeting dates will be determined after the committee is appointed.
Duties include attending a monthly meeting where members will work to lead a series of public speaking workshops including the job interview and a presentation day workshop and work with the digital communications committee to create documents and videos related to public speaking.
Goals: to create more opportunities to participate in the program
The Placer 4-H STEM Sub-Committee shall consist of at least 3 youth and 3 adult members. The chair will be elected at the first meeting and will be required to report at the representative meeting. Meeting dates will be determined after the committee is appointed.
Duties include attending a monthly meeting to coordinate hosting a 4-H project expo.
Duties: to improve program outreach and give new volunteers resources to feel more confident
The Placer County 4-H Outreach and Volunteer Development committee shall consist of at least 3 youths and 3 adults. The chair will be elected at the first meeting and will be required to report at the representative meeting. Meeting dates will be determined after the committee is appointed.
Duties include attending a monthly meeting to create and host a 4-H orientation, organize volunteer networking opportunities/workshops, and work with ambassadors to run outreach booths at local events.