First Name ✻
Last Name ✻
Ranch/Business Name ✻
Mailing Address ✻
City ✻
State ✻
Zipcode ✻
Email ✻
Cell Phone ✻
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) *Applicants must be 18 by training date 12/31/23 to participate in the ag pass program this year. ✻
Commercial Livestock Operation ✻
Conditional Access with Livestock Pass ✻
Insurance and Risk ✻
Violations of Pass ✻
Liability ✻
Training and Contingency ✻
Additional family and employees for training: Please provide first name, last name, birthdate and email for all additional drivers who will be participating in the training.
I have obtained an Ag Pass in another County. Specify County ✻
Provide County(ies)
I have received qualified training from another source. Examples include: Incident Safety Awareness for Hire Vendors (Operator’s Training), Basic 32 or FFT1 Training, ICS-100 + S-190, RT-130, Volunteer Fire Fighter Certification, UC Cooperative Extension Ag Pass Training, or Other (provide detail). Documentation will be required for proof. ✻
Training Details
Livestock Location - Please provide description or APN, Season of use, livestock description for all Modoc County sites.
EXAMPLE 1: Bear Mountain Allotment 001-222-333, Year-Round, 75 head of cattle and 20 sheep
EXAMPLE 2: 111-222-444, 111-222-443, 111-222-445, Nov.-May, 250 head of cattle
EXAMPLE 3: 60 bee hives 111-222-3333 November-April, 25 bee hives 222-333-444 April-September and 35 bee hives 555-222-111 April-September. ✻
Cattle Operators - You must answer ALL questions in this section
Cattle Brand(s) # (e.g. A 072750):
CATTLE - Other Identifiable Livestock Markings including ear tags, ear notches, etc. (copy)
Bee Operators - You must answer ALL questions in this section
Are you a registered beekeeper in Modoc County?
Bee - Other Identifiable Hive markings such as brands, hive color, etc. etc.
Information Sharing
Information shared on this form will be used to create a database maintained and updated by Modoc County Agricultural Department and UC Cooperative Extension. Data will be available to key agencies. ✻
** To the best of my knowledge, the information entered above is true and correct. **
Please type name - ✻
Other Information