Please complete this form to be approved to provide a PLT Workshop.
Part A. The first set of questions ask about mailing information so that workshop materials can be sent to you.
First name: ✻
Last name: ✻
Mailing Address (Because of shipping requirements for workshop materials, NO Post Office Boxes, please.) ✻
City, State: ✻
Mail Zip Code: ✻
Business phone?
Home phone?
Mobile phone?
Email Address? Be certain that you have entered it correctly. ✻
Part B. The next set of questions ask about workshop details.
Workshop date begin? ✻
Workshop date end? ✻
Workshop location? ✻
Length of workshop ✻
How many hours do you expect to spend on preparation, facilitation and follow up? ✻
Are there any additional in-kind costs associated with your course/workshop? I.E. Copies, consumable class materials,... ✻
Local partners?
Part C. The next set of questions ask about the workshop audience.
Audience? ✻
If you check "Other" above, then describe the audience.
How many participants do you expect to attend your workshop? ✻
Is your workshop open to anyone? If yes, the date, location and your name and email address will be listed on the PLT website “Calendar of Events”.
Part D. The next set of questions ask about the guides. Please enter the number of activity guides that you have on hand, and below, the number and type of guides that you need.
Current Guide Supply on hand
For CSU's: Are you planning to purchase guides for your course attendees in bulk?
If yes, click HERE
Program Support will contact you regarding payment and shipping guides
Additional Student Guides needed
Explore Your Environment (previously knows as K-8 Guide):
Do you need any other PLT guides for your workshop? These are guides outside the standard Explore Your Environment (ex. Early Childhood). If yes, which ones and how many?
Part E. The next section asks questions about your workshop agenda, contact info, and program evaluation.
Please describe how your workshop will promote the goals of environmental education and how PLT materials represent quality environmental education. ✻
Please provide additional content or background information on the workshop focus or theme if applicable.
Can you agree to share participant contact info? ✻
Can you insure post workshop surveys are completed by participants? ✻