Thank you for your interest in CS First (Computer Science First) with 4-H. Due to the high volume of interest we have closed the current registration to keep the ratio of facilitators and youth at a maintainable size. Not to worry! We will be hosting a second round of registration and classes.
If you are still interested in participating in our CS First class please sign up for our wait list using the following survey link below. As we add classes we will get in touch with students on our wait list.
If you are a teen or adult leader who wants to volunteer to help lead and teach CS First classes please fill out the interest survey below. The more volunteers we have the more youth our program can reach.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Ana Torres, 4-H Community Educator for San Luis Obispo County at amltorres@ucanr.edu.
Kind Regards,
4-H Team San Luis Obispo & Santa Barbara Counties