We are seeking academics with well-established programs, who can commit to monthly two-day, in-person meetings (scheduled dates below), most often held in Davis. Attendance at all Program Council meetings is mandatory. Please note that Program Council does not have a budget to support full travel (meals during meetings are provided).
Please complete this survey by September 27thto express your interest. If you have already completed the survey, your self-nomination will be reviewed in October as well.
Scheduled Meeting Dates (Beginning 3 pm on Tuesday and ending at 3 pm on Wednesday):
January 7 & 8, 2020 (Davis)
February 4 & 5, 2020 (Davis)
March 17 & 18, 2020 (Davis)
April 7 & 8, 2020 (Davis)
May 5 & 6, 2020 (Davis, possibly offsite)
June 9 &10, 2020 (Davis)
July 7 & 8, 2020 (Davis)
No meeting August 2020
September 1 & 2, 2020 (Davis)
October 6 & 7, 2020 (Davis)
November 3 & 4, 2020 (Davis)
December meeting tentative, dates tbd