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ANR Mentor Application Questionnaire


Prospective Mentor: Please fill out this questionnaire.


ANR Learning & Development is launching its 7th Mentorship Program. This 9-month program will start February 2025 (start date TBD) and run through November 2025. 

This volunteer program pairs you with ANR staff or academic who seeks to develop themselves professionally. As an ANR mentor you will have the opportunity to grow professionally, too. Here are Mentor participation responsibilities:

We are looking for committed mentors to support this program. The mentor commitments:

  • Participation in an online Mentor Orientation (TBD January 2025)
  • Regular monthly meetings (conference video/calls) with your mentee, and
  • Two group sessions 
    -Mentorship Program Orientation (in-person, Davis ANR Building TBD Feb 2025)
    -Strength Finder session, optional (Virtual)

For academic mentors: We ask that you have at least one successful merit or promotion.

A Mentee-only Celebration & Debrief will take place TBD November 2025.

For more information on what it means to be a mentor, please consult the UC Davis Mentor roles, responsibilities, and characteristics page.

Our goal is to identify many more mentors than we need, please understand that even if you apply, you may not be paired with a mentee.