Volunteers of the UCCE Master Food Preservers of Solano/Yolo County educate community members about safe home food preservation. If you are interested in becoming an agent of the University of California as a certified UCCE Master Food Preserver and are a resident of Solano or Yolo County, please fill out this form to be added to our mailing list for the next Master Food Preserver Training. Before our next training we will invite interested people to an orientation meeting that explains the Master Food Preserver Program, the application, interview process, and training.
Not a Solano or Yolo County resident? Other counties with UCCE Master Food Preserver programs and classes are listed at http://mfp.ucanr.edu/Contact/Find_a_Program. The UCCE Master Food Preserver is growing statewide; contact your local UC Cooperative Extension Office to show your interest in starting a new program. Please see the county listing of UCCE offices to find a UCCE office nearest you.
If you seek the training for your personal use, there is an online course offered by the National Center for Home Food Preservation at http://nchfp.uga.edu/. You may also attend any of our public classes. Click here to see our class schedule.