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Thank you for contacting the University of California Master Gardeners in Los Angeles County. Your request will be posted to our online Master Gardener Volunteer Opportunity board. Interested Master Gardeners will contact you directly. If you have not heard from an interested volunteer within 10 days, please contact us to repost! 

Be sure to include details in the "Help Requested" section. This will help match your need with a Master Gardener. Also, be aware that Master Gardeners advise and instruct, but do not offer labor or garden maintenance. 

Please keep in mind that we have only 300 Master Gardeners to assist the entire area of Los Angeles County, and many of our Master Gardeners already have projects that they are connected to, so there may not always be someone readily available to help with your project.  Sufficient lead time helps. Please try to make requests at least 2-3 weeks in advance! 


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(if the code is not entered correctly, the survey will not be submitted)