The Alameda County Master Gardener Help Desk is here to help answer your Alameda County home gardening questions. Please complete the following few questions to describe your garden question or problem. Most answers can be left blank if you don't know the answer, but more information helps us be more helpful.
What is your name? ✻
What is your email address? ✻
What is your 5 digit ZIP Code? (No zip plus 4 please) ✻
Please provide a phone number if you would like a call from an Alameda County Master Gardener.
Describe your garden question or problem. ✻
Is a particular type of plant involved? If so, please name or describe
When did the problem first appear?
If the plant is damaged, describe what part of the plant is damaged and what the damage looks like.
Do you think an insect is the problem?
If you've seen an insect, can you identify or describe it?
How much sun does the plant's growing area receive?
Have there been any recent changes to the care of the plants or nearby growing area?
How is plant watered/irrigated? Select all that apply.
Anything else we should know about this problem??
Please attach a photo or two if you can to help our team understand the problem you are describing.
For verification that you are human, please enter the following code in the box below: CEDXVQ
(if the code is not entered correctly, the survey will not be submitted)