First Name
Last Name
Zip Code
Email Address (so we can contact you if we need to follow up on your suggestions)
What kind of device did you try the app on?
What make and model are your device? (e.g., Motorola Droid 4G, Apple iPhone 4, Apple iPad mini, Lenovo IdeaTab A1000L)
What is the name of your service provider?
Where were you when you tried the app? Please give as much detail as you are comfortable with (e.g., in a certain town, near a certain stream, indoors or outdoors).
Did the app work properly on your device? (that is, the app sent your device screen to a watershed name with a list of fish species underneath)
If you experienced a problem with the beta app, please describe the problem so we can try to fix it!
Are there any changes or additions you would suggest we make to the app?
Do you think you will use this app again?
May we contact you by email to follow up on your suggestions?
For verification that you are human, please enter the following code in the box below: PVHPIS
(if the code is not entered correctly, the survey will not be submitted)