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Registration: Irrigation Efficiency and Runoff Water Management Field Training


Irrigation Efficiency and Runoff Water Management Field Training

In celebration of Earth Day 2022 - Invest in Our Planet, the Ramona Ranch Vineyard and Winery and the University of California Cooperative Extension San Diego invite you to this field training. Strategies and assistance programs for evaluating irrigation system efficiency and managing runoff water will be demonstrated and discussed.

Date:   Saturday, April 23, 2022

Time:   9:00 - 10:30 AM

Where: Ramona Ranch Winery, 23578 Highway 78, Ramona, CA 92065

Continuing Education Approved Credit:
San Diego Region Irrigated Lands Group - 1.5 hours

Registration: FREE but registration requested.

Contact Information:

Ramona Ranch Winery - Teri Kerns,

Registration and Program - Jan Gonzales,

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