Being able to connect is key to the success we (in UC ANR) enjoy in developing and providing solutions to help the people of California.
Please provide your input through this survey to see how we might do this even better.
A summer survey to PT leaders and WG chairs asked for input on how we currently connect (and our current structure).
The 3 main findings were:
1. Our current structure (roles of Workgroups (WG), Program Teams (PT) and Strategic Initiatives (SIs)) is - shall we say - somewhat “fuzzy”.
2. Even with the lack of clarity on WG, PT and SI functions, people greatly value the opportunities to engage and interact.
3. There is a desire to identify which of our (80+) Workgroups are active and still needed.
Where are we? What are the actions in play
1. “
Workgroups Frequently Asked Questions” A
fact sheet on our structure was developed to help clarify roles - Your
feedback is welcome
2. Identify active Workgroups. This week, we are doing a follow up survey with WG chairs to seek input on the level of WG activity and connections.
3. Your input welcome. We welcome your input through the simple survey below - 5-10 minutes can help us all move forward.
4. What’s next? After receiving input from you and the Workgroup Chairs, we will revisit our structure (program teams, etc.) and see how we can better connect.
Thanks for your efforts
to help us positively impact the lives of all Californians.